FREE SHIPPING On All Orders over $125
Shipping Policy
Shipping Policy
United States - 48 Contiguous States
Standard Express
In-stock items shipped from our warehouse will typically arrive in 3-6 business days. The day the order is placed is not calculated in the date range and business days do not include weekends and holidays
Items shipped directly from our vendors take additional time for delivery.
Large and / or heavy items may require additional charges and shipping time.
Guaranteed Express
Orders placed before 9:00 PM Central Time will ship the next business day with a deliver date of 2-3 business days for In-Stock items. Business days do not include weekends or holidays. Shipping department will utilize air service unless expedited ground service is faster. A street address is required.
Priority Express
Orders placed after 11:30 AM Eastern Time will be delivered within the next business day for In-Stock items. Business days do not include weekends or holidays. A street address is required.
Expedited shipping is not available for items that are drop-shipped from vendor warehouses.
We will expedite your order to be delivered within 1-2 business days after your order is received.
Out of United States
No Refund on items, please check your order to make sure you have correct item.
Only shipped to confirmed paypal address.
Shipping cost does not apply to internation orders outside the us. For quotes email us at
If you order, you may get a email with different shipping quote.
Pricing and Specifications
Merchandise prices and specifications are subject to change without notice.
Typographic, photographic, and/or descriptive errors are subject to correction.
Not all products are available in all areas due to country, state, or local laws.
We reserve the right to limit product quantities to dealers. Actual shipping charges may apply.
All prices quoted in US Dollars($).